Father of Gentle Lady winner e1st drop (4 birds) 4th final SAMDPR.

Porsche GTS - Sire 5th prize 416 mi. G'sire e1st 416 miles, 1st 150 miles, e1st 325 mi. SCOLR. G'sire 10th Ace pigeon Thailand Masters. Bro. 1st National Ace pigeon Luna. Son of Porsche 911 x Nestsister Boxster.

Blue Porsche - Son of Prince Porsche and Olympic Miss Million 595. 1st Olympic Ace pigeon and full sister to Olympic Miss million 210 also 1st Olympic Ace pigeon.

1/2 brother Porsche II. The very top shelf of PIPA Elite. Selected as the best young cock in the sell out auction of PIPA.

Brother Little Finn - 1st⁠ ⁠Place 598km final against 2271 pigeons 5 minutes ahead
of 2nd place - 5th⁠ ⁠Super Ace - 
 1st⁠ ⁠Knock-Out winner - 5th⁠ ⁠Place Team winner. - 32.⁠ ⁠Grand Averages - $110,000 Prize Money. - Sold for 120.000€ on PIPA

Perfecto - super nice male pigeon from KBDB and Olympic ace lines of Belgium's best Bart Geerinckx.

Breeder of money winners in first season and 2nd season of breeding so far. 2 different one loft races.

Taycan Jr - son of Taycan. Mother is sister Louise 1st National Bourges 19735 p. Tacan is a full brother to Porsche 911.

Best Kittel 821 - 6th prize 600 km 1550 birds Victoria Falls final 2021. started with 7681 birds. 15th Super Ace! 16th Grand Averages Ace. Father is 106, son of Jr. x mother Best Kittel. Mother is daughter of Konbird and daughter Birdy. bred 5th place 620 km Mexico.

KaasPorsche - Double Kaasboer x Porsche.

Incredible 33 - 12 race series in Africa where he scored 11th at 723 km and then again 4th at 723 km. Amazing. Other pigeons won 1st but none beat his combined 723km record. Race records on file upon request.

Saigon - top breeding cock from Vietnam. Bred Easley 20 winner at Sooner Classic OLR 416 miles, 325 miles and 150 miles.

1st place Enduro race Victoria Falls. Inbred Zorro on top. Catrysse on bottom. Sister was 1st Enduro Vic Falls also 2 years before. 650 km.
Breeding Cocks
Breeding Hens

Mother e1st - 4th final SAMDPR. One of the best hens in the world in my opinion and she proved it.

1/2 sis Olympic Gladiator Jr and Wacko Freddy. Our best. 
Bred 1st place 400 mi. Big Andys 7min lead 2023. 1st place Pataya over 5000 birds. Bred 18th place AZ classic 350 miles with head winds. Bred 6th place hot spot AfrikaPro 2022. 15th place 205 miles 1262 YPM 1403 birds BAIOLR 2024.

Spot Porsche - dam of 2nd LD Ace and 12th prize 416 miles. e1st prize 3rd place 150 miles. G'dam 10th Ace pigeon 5198 b. Thailand Masters 2024. 2x e1st 100 & 102 miles. 18th prize 400 miles Cuevas Classic. Daughter of Porsche 911 and Nestsister Boxster

Little Miss Million - Prince Porsche x 1st Olympic Ace 595. Special pairing for Ken Easley & Son Racing.

Dau Prince Porsche x Mother e1st SAMDPR - LDHA - AA - 
1/2 sister Gentle Lady e1st drop SAMDPR final / 4th. Father is Prince Porsche, full brother to Porsche 911, National Ace producer. Full bro porsche 911.

Sister Little Finn - 1st Prize 598 km Final 2271 pigeons Victoria Falls. 5 minutes lead over 2nd place. - 1st Knockout Winner - 5th Super Ace - 5th place Team - $110,000 prize money. Sold $120,000 on PIPA auction

Julius - 1st prize 400 miles Big Andy's International 2023. 1/2 sister Targa who bred e1st prize 400 miles SCOLR 2022. 1/2 sister Afrikapro double winner in races top 10. Also 1/2 sister Pataya Winner 5100 birds. 1/2 sister 1st Concourse Ace.

Hippolyta - 1st Ace pigeon Big Andy's International Race - 9th prize 400 miles - father was 6th prize SAMDPR. Mother 5th ace pigeon 5800 b. and 7th final 3644 birds Golden Algarve.

The 07 - daughter of Maurice and Sister Jana.
Dam to 8th champion bird Boston concourse.
BB-8  - 1st Knockout winner 5505 birds from 51 countries. 5th prize on final race by seconds from 1st. Dam 132 final Thailand Masters. Dam 42 prize Victoria Falls Final. 1/2 sis Hippolyta 1st Ace pigeon Big Andy's and 9th prize 400 miles final.

Bullet - winner 1st prize 723 km and 1st Ace Pigeon at the 12 race series in the Genetic OLR in Africa. This hen not only won 1st at 723 km she also was 2nd, 3rd, and 4th (e1st) on three of the other longest races of 500km plus. Unmatched performance. Talk is cheap, show me a better performance.

Gys Pick - 9th prize final AfrikaPro. Headwind and heat. I handled every single;e bird in person at the after auction. This was hands down the most potent pigeon in every way.  Race records saved to share upon request.

Lieve Again - linebred Wacko Freddy and Lieve. Both parents proven breeders of champions.

Targa - daughter of Porsche 911 and wacko 694. Co-breeding between Ken Easley and PIPA Elite Center. Mother of Diana - winner e1st 416 miles and 14th prize 325 miles. Mother of 130, 30th prize Big Andy's final 401 miles.

Ken Easley & Son Racing is small breeding facility that is serious about winning & maintaining a stud of consistent top breeding & champion pigeons. 
You can send us an email at keasley59@msn.com